Dear story lovers, it’s really sorry to tell you that Hatman’s Story has been temporarily suspended for lack of time since writing a story with some useful notes is really time-consuming. Recently the main author is busy with other important affairs, so there is little time for him to spare. Therefore, we sincerely apologize to…
Hatman’s Adventure 6
“Money! Money! I need more money!” Hatman burst out yelling in his office when he found his industry faced with financial deficit. Meanwhile, the three former burglars were eavesdropping Hatman’s words with their ears sticking to the locked office door. “Never have I imagined that Hatman could be crazier than me.” Crazyman…
Hatman’s Adventure 5
“I have told you many times not to smoke in my factory, but you simply take my words lightly. To avoid my inspection, you have shifted from cigarettes to electronic cigarettes to finally cigarettes with candy wrapper. Aren’t you playing arm race with me? Don’t you have health-consciousness and safety-consciousness since smoking triggers lung cancer…
Hatman’s Adventure 4
“The new standard to reduce deforestation to a minimum level is a little over my head. I am obliged to rethink my approach to making a hat with novel materials I don’t master in, being a great drain on my brain.” Badman nods . “And I don’t love being bossing around by Hatman since we…
Hatman’s Adventure 3
“Muscularman, don’t channel your brute strength into hat-making. You are tearing my hats off.” “Badman, don’t cut corners in the procedure of sewing hats. Your hats are substandard.” “Crazyman, be focused on your needle. You are sewing wrongly and disorderly.” Hatman shouts,” Now, everybody listen, recently the council passed a bill to shift emphasis from…
Hatman’s Adventure 2
As Hatman is native to the town, everyone knows him well and appreciate his hard work. There is even a groundless assumption that Hatman has accumulated massive fortune through his many years’ selling hats, which can always arouse the interest of notorious thieves and fueling a stealing craze in the town. Crazyman, Badman and Muscularman…
Hatman’s Adventure 1
Hatman owned a hat store selling season-specific hats which were so elaborate and comfortable that they outshined among other hat industry.For a long period, the market was full of the artifacts made by Hatman.Hence, he really made a huge fortune from his popular hats. However,not everyone welcomed the cosy…